We are happy to announce that our annual dance workshop has been scheduled for this summer with renowned caller David Millstone. These workshops are designed to help us work on technique and expand our repertoire. The Workshop is sponsored jointly with our friends from the Williamsburg Heritage Dancers, and is open to all experience levels.
Please join us on Saturday, August 26, 2023 with teacher/caller extraordinaire David Millstone with music by Janet Muse and Mike Dunn. The afternoon workshop runs from 1:30-4:30pm and the evening dance from 6:30-9:30pm. The break between the sessions can be used to go out to dinner at a local restaurant. The cost is $15 per individual session or $25 for the day.
Pre-registration will be required, please use the form on the flyer or the online registration form.
In advance of the Saturday workshop, Mr. Millstone has offered to share a presentation on the history of English country dance from the time of John Playford until the present, with music, moving images, photographs, illustrations, text, and commentary. Meet up with your dance friends and acquaintances at a potluck dinner (i.e., bring a dish!) at 6:00 p.m, followed by the presentation. Please RSVP for the potluck by Wednesday, August 23 at this link.